
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Lord Has Shown Favor!

Yesterday I received such joyous news!
After months of waiting and praying, and rescheduled court dates for the last TWO WEEKS (argh!) my dear friends were able to stand in court and speak their case to a judge.
The police attempted to explain their actions.
The judge saw right through it. CASE DISMISSED.
My first reaction is joy. My friends are freed! The false charges against them dropped!

But that is dampened as reality sets in.
My friends have lost so much.
Because they were in jail so long....
They have no job, because they couldn't show up to work.
They have no home, because they had no money or means to pay rent.
They have no belongings, clothing or otherwise.... because the landlord had the legal right to get rid of all property left in the apartment after so many days.

And they have no children.
Their children are still in foster care. They are not even TOGETHER STILL! Oh how it burns my heart. Oh how ANGRY I AM!
And my friends cannot get them back until they can provide a safe home for them.

Those in a position to 'SERVE AND PROTECT' made damn sure they couldn't do that!

Please pray for my friends to have the wisdom and guidance and MERCY from our Lord and God. Please pray that they get their children back soon. Please pray that those who have done these CRIMINAL ACTIONS against my friends be brought to justice.

For more information please visit -

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