
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Conspiracy Anyone? - By Chuck Baldwin

Conspiracy Anyone?

I have said for decades that at the highest levels of leadership in Washington, D.C., both Democrats and Republicans are in collusion. At the leadership levels, both parties are working in concert together. The differences between the parties are only at the lower levels, where party members are more idealistic and ignorant of the conspiracy taking place above them.

Yet, NO ONE, not Glenn Beck, not FOX News, not Rush Limbaugh, not CNN, not MSNBC, NO ONE will allow any discussion on this subject. Anyone who dares talk about it is immediately censored or lampooned as a "conspiracy nut."

The latest example was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before Congress. is reporting that House Speaker John Boehner (R) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D), colluded on the speech for the purpose of providing distraction (cover) for the vote on congressional funding for DHS without any exemptions for President Obama's executive amnesty order. It worked perfectly.
Almost overnight, Boehner garnered enough Republican votes to help Democrats pass the funding bill. Now, with conservative Republicans riled at the Speaker's sellout, Boehner is counting on Pelosi's help to garner enough support from among Democrats to fend off any potential coup by GOP House members. And you can bet that Pelosi will come through for him.

This kind of conspiratorial conduct has been going on for decades. Plus, big-government, police-state elitists in D.C., get the added benefit of New World Order puppet Bibi successfully beating the war drums against Iran.

Iran and Syria are the last two hold outs among the Muslim states still resisting the New World Order. The CIA/Mossad-manufactured terrorist group, ISIS, is providing the West with the beheadings and such (even though some of the infamous beheadings are phony and not real. Plus, have you noticed that the U.S. media pays NO ATTENTION to the beheadings being committed by Saudi Arabia or Mexican drug gangs--beheadings that have been going on for much longer and with much greater frequency?), and Bibi is pulling on the heart strings of the American people (Christians in particular) by creating the new monster that must be destroyed, namely Iran (and Syria).

--And, no, I am absolutely NOT minimizing the persecutions and bloodlust being demonstrated by Muslim extremists in the Middle East. But even most of those would disappear if the United States would totally GET OUT of the Middle East (and the United Nations) and stop meddling (assassinating, bombing, sending drone attacks, etc.) in the internal affairs of those countries. (Have you noticed we don't send bombers and drones to attack North Korea or China or The Sudan? Why not? These regimes are every bit as evil--or more so--as any Middle Eastern country we have waged war against. Think it through, folks.) Our Founding Fathers were adamant that the United States should stay clear of "entangling alliances" with foreign nations. America has been foolish to ignore their counsel.--

All the while, the conspirators in D.C. also get what they want at home: amnesty for illegal aliens and a coming new war, which will lead to an ever-growing Police State in the U.S. You got to admit, these folks are really smart.

If the American people (and especially America's pastors) do not awaken to this devilish conspiracy soon, these conspirators are going to lead the world into a nuclear war, because Russia will not stay on the sidelines indefinitely. At that point, Huxley's Brave New World--and Bush's New World Order--will be a reality.

Oh, and what if all of us Christians are NOT raptured to heaven before all of this happens? Will we still be glad we beat the war drums in the Middle East? Will the likes of John Hagee still be regarded as a great champion of Bible prophecy?

But no one needs to pay attention to this post; it's written by a "conspiracy nut."

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