
Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Garden Update - Or Should I Say The Marshland Update

My garden is flooded.  Not just mine.... Most of the community garden is under water.  I drove up... I looked at the orange fencing saying "Do Not Enter."  And I knew it must be bad.  I trudged out in the mud to my plot.  It was heartbreaking to me.

I'll add a photo tomorrow.  I was too stunned to think of taking one today.

One side of the garden seems to be doing well.  The potatoes, onions, salad bar (hehe), beans and sunflowers are all visibly growing and for the most part, well drained.  The other side of the garden.... is under water.  I see a sad tomato here and there sticking out it's little head.  Oh those beautiful seedlings, that I lovingly raised in my home, for many months.  I don't think they will make it and there is nothing I can do except wait for the flood waters to recede.

I see on the news there is more rain to come.....

Maybe there will be a rainbow across the sky tomorrow to remind me of the Lord's promise to not flood the whole earth.  There must be a happy growing garden somewhere out there..... and I will find it.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sad for you and your garden. I know you worked so hard and faithfully. I pray the Lord will replace it somehow for your family in abundance!
